Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Nothin much...

Just wanted to tell everyone hey! Not a whole lot going on right now. My mom's church is having Bible school this week so I haven't got to see Caleb until about 8:30 or 9:00 everynight. Sure do miss the little booger when he's not around and then sometimes I'm screaming...just 5 minutes! He is having a good time though and learning about the Lord. :) Please pray for the bible school! They are having a great turn out. Tonight they had 91 kids! Pray that these kids learn something about Jesus that they will never forget. Most important that He died for us so we could be savcd, and children and grown-ups will ask Him into there lives and began living for Him.
There is a great big oak tree in my front yard and it's so pretty. It amazes me the God can make something so big and beautiful yet it has so many purposes for being there. Caleb and I were talking about it and it surprises me so much at how inquisitive his mind can be. He asked me if the stars were really big balls of fire. I told him yes they were. He asked me what keeps them from falling? I asked him what does he think? He said gravity... (smart kid!:D)..and that's true.. but who made the gravity? Who keeps the stars from falling? Who keeps the earth perfectly where it needs to be in space? All that big black open space and Jesus controls it all.
There are some in other states that are facing a hurricane right now and I will praying for all of you! The Lord has you in His hands. The Lord speaks and the winds and the seas obey. Please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers! Alot of people need to open there eyes and see that our God means business. The prophecies are being fulfilled and we all need to try and reach as much of the world as we can.
I think it's so awesome that He truly does hold the whole world in His hands. I'm so thankful to serve and belong to Him. Please pray for me that I be the mom I need to be for my little boy. I'm thankful I have people that care and will REALLY pray. :) My digital camera is broke but as soon as I can I will post some pictures of our house and that big tree! :D Guess I will go for now..love you guys!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My little boy


My little boy is so precious to me. The other day I was walking around in the yard and I saw the most peculiar thing. There was one solid white egg laying in the middle of the yard. I have no idea where it came from because I don't live on a farm! haha So I go in the house and tell Caleb to come outside I wanted to show him something. He walks outside and finds the egg. Of course he was very happy. I'm not really sure what kind of egg it is. It's to big to be a bird's...so I guess we will just have to wander. Anyway, he said I wonder what's in it? I said I don't know do you know how to get it to hatch? He said no....I said put it under a lamp and keep it warm. I really don't think it will hatch but we can try! He comes in the house and goes to his room. His lamp is on a table but he laid the egg in the floor under the lamp! lol I just thought that was so cute and sweet. I thank God for my little boy. He is truly a blessing to me. (by the way I'm posting this on a good day;) ) Guess I'll go for now! God bless you! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I just want to say how thankful I am to the Lord for everything that He has given me. I thank Him for my family. My mom who is very dear to me and has always been there no matter what. I catch myself complaining of things alot of the time but then I have to stop and say I am blessed alot more than alot of people these days. I was raised in a Christian home with a mother and father who loved me dearly. I have a beautiful baby boy who is completely healthy and normal. I have been thinking about this the past few days. If we were really to be standing in front of the King of Kings, Jesus the one who shed His blood for us....If we were knealing before His throne of grace..Even the sins we have committed, if we are a child of His and have asked for His forgiveness, He sees none of that. Just a perfect vessel that He can use for His honor and His glory. I say that's pretty wonderful to know. Then I think how can I ask Him for anything when He has been so good to me. God does want us to ask and I do all the time! But I am so very grateful to Him for everything He is to me and what He is doing in my life. Well, just wanted to share that thought! :)
I will post some pictures soon! Love all of you!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Well. Hello everyone!! You can give thanks to my brother (Jacob) for this blog because he was so gracious and kind as to help me set it up.:D So. Thank you brother!!!!
Today as a new blogger.. I suppose I will tell about my day. :) So. Today my church had a get together. It was very neat actually. First, we all met at my church and had breakfast. It was very good! Eggs, bacon, gravy and biscuits! I thank the Lord for wonderful women that can cook. Because I don't very often.. Lol. Oh dear, is that a little TMI? Well, it is true! So. After that the men went visiting and the women and children went to red wood park. We decorated little frisbees, blew up balloons, and passed out water and tracts to the people at the park. It was a very wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord and the children enjoyed passing everything out to the people and sharing Jesus with them. :) God is so good isn't he? Sometimes it can seem that you don't know what you are going to do and then He opens the door for all kinds of opportunities. I am so grateful to Him for being there for me. After that my brother, myself, my son Caleb( you will be hearing alot about him) and one of my good friends Robin went swimming! It was much fun. Caleb is a brave little fellow but this is his idea of jumping of the diving board. He goes.....he jumps....then I..have to swim and get him. But it is ok. At least he will jump. That reminds sometimes we all have to have faith and jump. The best part of all is that I know Jesus will always be there. So.. guess I will go for now but I hope you will blog with me! :)